Common Injuries Associated with Automobile Accidents
Automobile accidents are quite common and can happen rather sporadically. There are several reasons as to why a car crash can take place. Various factors of each collision will also determine the type and severity of an injury that could possibly occur. For example, how fast you're traveling and the number of vehicles involved can influence the seriousness of a wreck. However, there are frequent types of injuries that regularly transpire, such as:
WhiplashWhiplash is one the most common and aggravating injuries associated with automobile accidents. This type of harm usually takes place when your vehicle is hit from behind. Whiplash is a result of your neck and head moving out of their normal range, in a quick and uncomfortable fashion. During this event, ligaments, muscles, and tendons can all be damaged. Spinal injuries can also result, including back nerves, ligaments, and muscles all being impaired.
Broken BonesVarious body parts are commonly broken during an automobile accident. These body parts usually include the following: hands, arms, wrists, fingers, hips, legs, feet, and/or ribs. Depending on the harshness of the break, you will most generally have to wear a splint or cast. In more serious circumstances, you may find yourself needing surgery, as well as physical therapy. You could also be forced to see an orthopedic specialist.
Internal InjuriesInternal injuries usually result when a driver or passenger is forced into an object, like the steering wheel. However, flying debris from either the inside or outside of the automobile can also cause severe damage. Internal injuries affect your internal organs, usually causing internal bleeding. Internal bleeding needs to be treated immediately. Organs that are often injured include: the bowels, kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs, and heart. If your ribs become fractured, they can puncture your lungs and other internal organs.
Concussions/Brain InjuriesA concussion or brain injury occurs when you hit your head on an object. You may experience temporary or permanent damage, depending on how forcefully and where you're exactly hit. Swelling on the brain usually results in permanent damage. Other types of injuries include: skull fractures, bruises on the brain, and nerve damage. If you're in a wreck and are subject to a head injury, it's vital to seek immediate treatment. After an accident, if you experience a seizure, headache, dizziness, memory loss, of have trouble concentrating, you may be suffering from a concussion.
Seek Medical Assistance
After you've been in an accident, it's important to seek medical assistance. Your injuries may be more serious than what you believe them to be. Even the simplest of cuts, scrapes, and scratches can lead to more serious damage; it's always better to be safe than sorry. When traveling, remember to constantly be alert and conscious - the road can be a dangerous place.
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