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Driving in the Snow and Ice


It's just around the corner; winter is on the way and, if the past couple of winters are any indication, people as far south as central Georgia and Alabama, where snow is a rarity, could be looking at record snow and ice storms. That means a lot of drivers, who may have never driven in the snow, could be could be surprised by snow and ice while they are out on the road. For someone who has never driven in snow and ice, conditions on the road can be deceiving. A light dusting of snow can be treacherous and it can hide a layer of ice below. Novice drivers often find themselves spinning out of control because they failed to fully appreciate how slippery a small amount of snow fall can be. Here are some of the issues to be aware of: The National Safety Commission recommends The Driver Education Handbook for Parents as a valuable teaching tool for parents who are concerned with their teen's driving safety and understand the value of quality instruction. Read more at the National Safety Commission Alerts: Driving in Snow and Ice

Training Courses

As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. These training courses will make you a better driver.

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