DMV Practice Tests
Thousands of test questions, test answers, and detailed explanations in our DMV Prep Course
- Pass the FIRST Time - Guaranteed!
- 100% Online
- 50% fail the DMV exam their first time -
Don't be one of them!
1-800-729-1997 (Texas only: 1-877-299-4511)
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If you're feeling nervous about taking your driver's license exam, then enroll in our Rhode Island DMV practice test course. Designed to boost your confidence, with our assistance you'll become a licensed driver in no time.
Proven to be effective and easy, our program has one goal: to ensure you become a safe driver. Our Rhode Island DMV practice tests have received great reviews, demonstrating we offer the best preparation available. As soon as you begin using our courses, you can take advantage of different benefits, such as:
Originally developed for training our military service members, we'll make sure you feel comfortable every time you get behind the wheel.
Our Rhode Island DMV practice test is simple: when you log in, you will receive 20 random road rules and road signage identification questions, which will be similar to those on the real DMV exam. Feel free to take the practice course as often as you want, as the questions will change after each log-in. Answers will be provided at the end, followed by detailed explanations.
When you've successfully taken and passed each test at least five times, we guarantee you'll pass your driver's test on the very first attempt. If you don't, we'll proudly give you a full refund for the price of the course. We've set-up the program in a way that you have nothing to lose.
What are you waiting for? With our Rhode Island DMV practice tests, it will be as if you have the answers before you take the real DMV exam. User-friendly and convenient, our online program will give you the knowledge to become a successful driver.